Georgia Rustic Candles Company
A female, disabled-veteran, owned business based in the small mountain town of Waleska Georgia.
Georgia Rustics Candle Co. is a female, disabled-veteran, owned business based in the small mountain town of Waleska Georgia.
Maggie has been infatuated with candles since she was a child, and most evenings our home looks like a church with candles burning in every room. We found that it was becoming more and more difficult to find good quality natural soy candles, without spending a small fortune.
There had to be a better way… So… we decided (ok She decided, I just had to figure out how) to learn how to make our own candles, and after about 18 months and several hundred test candles later, we finally settled on a formula that we loved.
Soon all our friends were “borrowing” candles and we found that we enjoyed making them as much as burning them. Thus, Georgia Rustics Candle Co. was born. Although we’ve grown since that humble beginning, we still use the same formula with 100% natural soy wax, phthalate- free fragrance oils and we hand-pour our candles in small batches to assure quality and consistency.

Georgia Rustic Candles Company
A female, disabled-veteran, owned business based in the small mountain town of Waleska Georgia.
Georgia Rustics Candle Co. is a female, disabled-veteran, owned business based in the small mountain town of Waleska Georgia.
Maggie has been infatuated with candles since she was a child, and most evenings our home looks like a church with candles burning in every room. We found that it was becoming more and more difficult to find good quality natural soy candles, without spending a small fortune.
There had to be a better way… So… we decided (ok She decided, I just had to figure out how) to learn how to make our own candles, and after about 18 months and several hundred test candles later, we finally settled on a formula that we loved.
Soon all our friends were “borrowing” candles and we found that we enjoyed making them as much as burning them. Thus, Georgia Rustics Candle Co. was born. Although we’ve grown since that humble beginning, we still use the same formula with 100% natural soy wax, phthalate- free fragrance oils and we hand-pour our candles in small batches to assure quality and consistency.